Website Manager

Rain out Policy


Please be prepared for rain, wind, and cold weather!

If we do need to cancel for more severe conditions such as heavy storms, flooding at the fields, etc we will notify our families in three ways – update the website, emails & social media to those who are affected by the cancellation or delays.

If there is lightning at the fields while games/practices are going on – we will immediately clear the fields. Those games will be cancelled or delayed and we will determine if we are able to continue on with the rest of the day.

In the event of lightning, on-site staff will make the decision to delay in 30-minute increments or cancel games and practices based on weather patterns and their best judgement. We will continue all practices and games providing there is no lightning. In the event that Mother Nature forces us to cancel, we will send out a mass email/text/social media post. If you do not hear from us, please plan on playing.

Thunder and Lightning Prior to Game Time – Should thunder and lightning or extreme weather occur prior to the start of the game, a 30-minute delay will go into effect. If thunder/lightning or extreme weather become present during that 30-minute delay, the games scheduled for that hour will be cancelled.

First 15 Minutes of Game Time – Should thunder and lightning or extreme weather occur during the first 15 minutes of a game, a 30-minute delay will go into effect. If thunder and lighting or extreme weather conditions do not appear during that 30-minute delay, the game may continue as scheduled. If thunder and lighting or extreme weather conditions do appear during the initial 30-minute delay, the games during that hour will be cancelled and rescheduled for a later date.

After 15 Minutes of Game Time – Should thunder and lightning or extreme weather conditions occur during the 30-minute delay, all games scheduled for that hour will be cancelled and rescheduled later during the season.

Halftime Through Remainder of Game – Should thunder and lightning or extreme weather occur either at halftime or at any point after during that game, all games will be stopped and considered complete. The final result is determined by the game score at the time it was stopped due to the weather. These games will not be rescheduled and are considered final.

FALL season is considered complete with 5 or more regular season games for the fall.  We allow for 2 rainouts, if there are more than 2 rainouts we will extend the season 1 week. 

SPRING - a season is considered complete in the Spring with 4 or more regular season games for the spring.  Due to Schools getting out and vacations, we only allow for 1 rainout, if there are more than 1 rainout we will extend the season 1 week. 

Field Directory


Partridge Brook Park

100 Lafayette Salisbury Massachusetts United States 01952

for today only

(Last updated 08/19/21 at 08:42 AM )

View Directions

Field 1

for today only

(Last updated 08/19/21 at 08:42 AM )

Field 2

for today only

(Last updated 08/19/21 at 08:42 AM )

Field 3

for today only

(Last updated 08/19/21 at 08:42 AM )

Field 4

for today only

(Last updated 08/19/21 at 08:42 AM )

Field 2.

(Last updated 08/27/24 at 03:05 PM )

Field 3.

(Last updated 08/28/24 at 02:24 PM )

Portmouth Communit Field

100 Campus Drive Portsmouth New Hampshire United States 03801

(Last updated 06/16/23 at 10:11 AM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 04/04/23 at 11:36 AM )

Field 2

(Last updated 04/04/23 at 11:36 AM )

Field 3

(Last updated 04/04/23 at 11:36 AM )

Field 4

(Last updated 04/04/23 at 11:36 AM )

Field 5

(Last updated 04/13/23 at 10:05 AM )

Field 6

(Last updated 06/17/24 at 11:14 AM )

Field 7

(Last updated 06/17/24 at 11:56 AM )

Riverwalk Pavilion

282 Merrimack Street Lawrence Massachusetts United States 01843

(Last updated 04/18/24 at 11:18 AM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 04/18/24 at 11:18 AM )

Field 2

(Last updated 04/18/24 at 11:18 AM )

Field 3

(Last updated 04/18/24 at 11:18 AM )

Field 4

(Last updated 04/18/24 at 11:18 AM )

Plaistow Recreation Field

51 Old County Road Plaistow New Hampshire United States 03865

(Last updated 08/24/24 at 01:28 PM )

View Directions

PNH Field 1

(Last updated 08/24/24 at 01:34 PM )

Westford Academy

30 Patten Road Westford Massachusetts United States 01886

(Last updated 03/19/25 at 02:04 PM )

View Directions

Field 1

(Last updated 03/19/25 at 02:04 PM )

Field 2

(Last updated 03/19/25 at 02:04 PM )

Field 3

(Last updated 03/19/25 at 02:04 PM )

Field 4

(Last updated 03/19/25 at 02:04 PM )

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